Kentucky governor: Andrew Beshear(D) has won re-election. Daniel Cameron couldn't win against Beshear in a solid red state. Cameron ran a mediocre campaign that solely focused on his Trump endorsement.
Republicans still managed to win all of the downballot offices: SOS, AG, Treasurer and Agriculture commissioner.
The sad truth is that we probably shouldn't run a Black man as the GOP candidate in a southern state like Kentucky.
Ohio: Dems have won yet another abortion referendum in a red state. GOP needs to stop fucking having these referendums. Clear that abortion is sadly popular nationwide. Abortion is clearly a losing issue for Republicans.
Virginia Legislature: The Dems have kept the State Senate denying Governor Youngkin and the Republicans a tri-fecta.
Pretty terrible night for Republicans all around.
Ohio has long been a heavily mixed state (rural farmers, urban blacks, union labor, etc.) though it has trended strongly red in recent years.
Abortion restrictions are just not a winning election issue for Republicans. End of story. Conservatives spent 50 years hyping up their base with getting rid of Roe v. Wade. They won. Now their base went home, satisfied, and the majority of people who are in favor of legal abortion are being hyped up by the dems.