This is what is at the heart of how the left wins now. The two hyper polarized groups on each side of the spectrum? They are going to vote left, or vote right no matter what. It's the group of "undecided" and "uninterested" people in the middle that matters, and the left has a near monopoly on the ability to indoctrinate/propagandize those people. They decide (almost entirely) what those people are shown, and what they are told to be upset about vs told to ignore.
It's like the election results in 2020. I still don't get why so many people think there needed to be outright election fraud in 2020 for the left to win. The leftists in the media (traditional and social) had been driven mad by Trump, and had totally thrown away any desire to be seen as professional, or non-biased. They blasted the middle with ungodly amounts of propaganda - 24/7 - for four fucking years. Then they used COVID to change the rules so that massive amounts of unsolicited mail in ballots were sent out to those uninterested - but now highly propagandized - masses. A huge swath of people that would normally not even bother to vote, who didn't follow politics at all - and, most importantly: people who were highly susceptible to propaganda, and had been worn down and programmed for four years - suddenly didn't have to put any work at all into voting, and simply had to find a ballot in their mailbox one day and go, "Hurrrr! Le orange man is SO bad. He's like Hitler! I've heard this non stop for four years. It doesn't matter that I have no idea what the platform of the other guy is (because he didn't even have to specify it, thanks to a media that protected him every step of the way). Literally anyone has to be better!"
Shitbag politicians are going to do what they do. Nothing you can do about it. Our political system can survive that. What it can't survive is the left having unfettered access to control what the people in the middle are shown, and what they have hidden from them. It can't survive only one side being taken to task for its mis-steps. All sides have to be held equally accountable, or the whole fucking thing falls apart, because that massive group of uninterested idiots in the middle is way too easy to control with simple indoctrination, and the left has constructed an absolutely gigantic system to indoctrinate people at this point.
Straight up.
This is what is at the heart of how the left wins now. The two hyper polarized groups on each side of the spectrum? They are going to vote left, or vote right no matter what. It's the group of "undecided" and "uninterested" people in the middle that matters, and the left has a near monopoly on the ability to indoctrinate/propagandize those people. They decide (almost entirely) what those people are shown, and what they are told to be upset about vs told to ignore.
It's like the election results in 2020. I still don't get why so many people think there needed to be outright election fraud in 2020 for the left to win. The leftists in the media (traditional and social) had been driven mad by Trump, and had totally thrown away any desire to be seen as professional, or non-biased. They blasted the middle with ungodly amounts of propaganda - 24/7 - for four fucking years. Then they used COVID to change the rules so that massive amounts of unsolicited mail in ballots were sent out to those uninterested - but now highly propagandized - masses. A huge swath of people that would normally not even bother to vote, who didn't follow politics at all - and, most importantly: people who were highly susceptible to propaganda, and had been worn down and programmed for four years - suddenly didn't have to put any work at all into voting, and simply had to find a ballot in their mailbox one day and go, "Hurrrr! Le orange man is SO bad. He's like Hitler! I've heard this non stop for four years. It doesn't matter that I have no idea what the platform of the other guy is (because he didn't even have to specify it, thanks to a media that protected him every step of the way). Literally anyone has to be better!"
Shitbag politicians are going to do what they do. Nothing you can do about it. Our political system can survive that. What it can't survive is the left having unfettered access to control what the people in the middle are shown, and what they have hidden from them. It can't survive only one side being taken to task for its mis-steps. All sides have to be held equally accountable, or the whole fucking thing falls apart, because that massive group of uninterested idiots in the middle is way too easy to control with simple indoctrination, and the left has constructed an absolutely gigantic system to indoctrinate people at this point.