This is a heartwarming bonfire in the ruins of the west. US/Canada trannifa getting burnt on the exploding ammo. These chav-lims nauseate me but the others are invaders of a different order.
'He's trying to tell children that they are not allowed to be' crack voice 'tra-ans.'
'....Yeah they're not'
The funny thing is there are probably places where this script can work. 'YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, HE IS BADDIE, I AM ALLY,' can probably work on girls, depending on area, but London muzbitches are just too truculent and obnoxious, far too eager for a fight. I like to con myself that it can be boiled down to principle but it's basically Londoners being cunts. Anyway cheerful spectacle.
'He's trying to tell children that they are not allowed to be' crack voice 'tra-ans.' '....Yeah they're not'
Not a single moment's of hesitation. It's not exactly courageous, as they're Muslim women, but this is what I like to see. There are so few people who are willing to say the truth unapologetically, particularly if they belong to groups stigmatized as Bad People by the regime.
I like to con myself that it can be boiled down to principle but it's basically Londoners being cunts.
But they chose to be cunts to the Trantifa and not to the guy protesting grooming.
This is a heartwarming bonfire in the ruins of the west. US/Canada trannifa getting burnt on the exploding ammo. These chav-lims nauseate me but the others are invaders of a different order.
'He's trying to tell children that they are not allowed to be' crack voice 'tra-ans.' '....Yeah they're not' hahaha The funny thing is there are probably places where this script can work. 'YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, HE IS BADDIE, I AM ALLY,' can probably work on girls, depending on area, but London muzbitches are just too truculent and obnoxious, far too eager for a fight. I like to con myself that it can be boiled down to principle but it's basically Londoners being cunts. Anyway cheerful spectacle.
Not a single moment's of hesitation. It's not exactly courageous, as they're Muslim women, but this is what I like to see. There are so few people who are willing to say the truth unapologetically, particularly if they belong to groups stigmatized as Bad People by the regime.
But they chose to be cunts to the Trantifa and not to the guy protesting grooming.