Says the man from the Daily Mail.
Highlights from this harbinger of the Clown World Apocalypse:
Rabbi Jessica Rosenberg, a Minneapolis-based Reconstructionist rabbi and progressive activist, who has urged people to boycott Israel, interrupted Biden while he was speaking to a crowd of 200 donors at a private Minneapolis fundraiser. The rabbi's striking appearance gave rise to questions as to whether [he] is trans, but Rosenberg h[im]self deliberately avoids the issue.
Based in Minneapolis, progressive activist, anti-Israel, tranny. Add in the free spot of Biden claiming shit he didn't do and BINGO, I call BINGO!
The audience cheered Biden's answer and booed the protester.
Why, I never. How dare that crowd full of huwyte nationialist, Christofascist, MAGA-hat wearing DRUMPF SUPPORTERS... wait a second, a Biden crowd booed a tranny Jew? Was the crowd actually like 90% Trump plants, there to heckle Biden?
A child in the crowd ... then let out cry of her own. 'It's okay. Kids are allowed to do that. Don't worry about it,' Biden joked. He asked if it was a boy or a girl who issued the cry.
Nope, not a fucking creepy pedo lich. Not at all.
A Nighthawk helicopter ferrying reporters to the farm experienced four loud pops while taking off, and had to make an unscheduled landing at a public airport after smoke filled the cabin. ... The White House said an 'electrical issue' had triggered some preventative alarms, including an automatic fire suppressant.
Poor maintenance by bottom-of-the-barrel diversity recruits or deliberate attempt to get rid of reporters? Place-a your bets!
But Biden helped rearrange the Democratic primary schedule this year, and as a consequence of New Hampshire jumping the gun on Democratic Party calendar rules, his name won't appear on the ballot.
I think I see how the Dems are going to ease Joepedo off into the sunset...
Oh, and for anyone interested, here's a picture of the rabbi. Not Safe For Lunch, Work, Children or Sanity.
Jewish Tranny Rabbi who is anti-Israel, we're reaching levels of clownery no one thought possible.
Biden is a Zionist so it makes sense that he can attract a crowd of Zionists.
Honestly, I have given up all hope of trying to figure out if there is a logic behind the Oppression Olympics. Normally, trannies are above all, followed by Jews, but here is a "Jewish" tranny who can be openly booed because they don't like Israel. But you can not like Israel, as long as you support the regressive leftists... but here's a progressive leftist who doesn't like Israel, and even being a tranny doesn't keep the boos away.