posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +74 / -3

I'm sorry guys, I've been noticing things again. Although this might be somewhat refreshing compared to the usual breadtube shit that we're being subjected to at the moment which I can't stand.

When it comes to my daily spending habits I'm something of a die-hard cheapskate so I'm not fucking myself over by buying unnecessary things but now products seem to be gradually getting worse and worse while somehow maintaining the same prices and shamelessly ripping people off. Now some of it is just them being cheapskates, but when it comes to the packaging of food in particular I keep noticing that the stuff I buy is being shipped in increasingly flimsy material as an example and I've been building a bit of a list I wanted to compare because of course I'm going to be autistic as fuck about this.

Just a general list that I'm thinking about.

. Milk bottles with ultra thin plastic that often bend at the slightest bit of weight change, often causing a leak

. Ice cream cartons made of flimsy and thin cardboard compared to the sturdy plastic they're often in

. Paper straws(?)

. Electric vehicles that take forever to charge up and seem to have a habit of setting themselves on fire while parked

. Self-assembly furniture made with steel you could almost bend with your fingers

. Flimsy cutlery you can definitely bend with your fingers

It's getting so bad with the quality now it's something of a false economy to go for the cheap stuff anymore or we're being forced to accept these cheap products because it's everywhere now. I'm actually considering getting a proper milk jug because the bottles you get are so flimsy. If you complain of course, inevitably they're going to stick you with the climate denier label among with other things like if how you keep noticing all the shit SJWs are doing you're a racist and a sexist.

You almost have to admire the op they're running on the sophistication of it, then they act like massive boomers on a lot of other stuff.