96 I stated a simple truth: a man having his life destroyed by a false rape allegation is worse than actually getting raped. I have never triggered the feminists so hard. :D (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 1 year ago by dekachin 1 year ago by dekachin +112 / -16 106 comments download share 106 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Chief. I would pick pretty much anything over getting raped regardless of who I was.
Is there anyone here who would pick getting raped over something? Curious about your reasoning.
Bruh are you retarded? Of course I would choose getting raped over getting killed or crippled for life.
If some dude wanted to rape me and I'd have to die to prevent that from happening, I'd do it. If you want to bend over, you do you.
Weak faggot thinks his pride means anything in death. Enjoy the void.
Weak? I question your conviction to die for anything if you won't even die to protect your own butthole.