posted ago by SoctaticMethod1 ago by SoctaticMethod1 +22 / -0

Later than usual on this, been busy (in a good way) so not caught up on it all and on a bad side one of my favourite places to watch on the high seas is gone so finding a new place to go sailing

Good season overall, plenty to watch and 4 good heavy hitters. Also side note, if you were waiting for the last episodes of Nier amd Demon King to be released, those have dropped so can watch the entire season now.

The heavy hitters:

Mushoku Tensei Season 2 part 1: I put this first as I personally enjoyed this the most, our guy suffering from ED thanks to the ending of season 1 and a LOT of revelations in this season than big action scenes.

Bleach: TYBW part 2: of course this here and great news for manga guys, this anime is fixing plot holes from the original manga.

Zom 100: ever had a job that was so depressing it made you wish for the apocalypse so you didn't have to go in the next day? Is this the anime for you! Bright with comedy elements but doesn't shy away from dark moments.

Jujitsu Kaisen: good return to form and excellent actions scenes to watch.

Still good but more personal preference:

Atelier Ryzu the animation: Yes I am a proud member of thighology, what about it? It's a calm ok anime but I know why you're here, the animators DEFINITELY know from the angles, just admit it.

Reborn as a vending machine: following the example of 'reborn as a sword' showing that your main mc can be reborn as an inanimate object and STILL have more personality than the average Hollywood protagonist

The Devil is a part timer season 2 part 2: it's good with funny moments, I think the unfortunate thing is that when it first released it was more unique and now it's competing in a saturated market.

Reign of the seven spell blades: Interesting premise of a non-pussy hogwarts where everyone's carrying, death rate is 20% and headmaster is a dark side milf.

The great cleric: only carried this on as 1. The animation baited me as it reminded me of 1990s- early 2000s anime style and as someone who occasionally plays healers I sympathise with their plights.

Need to catch up on:

Undead murder Farce: really interesting premise but not enough into it

Dark Gathering: despite how one of the main characters looks, VERY dark series so be warned.

My happy Marriage: heard good things about it but I need to watch more.

Liar liar: it's basically twitter if everyone had above room temperature IQ, everyone's putting up a front and there's a system to steal prestige from each other in this academy setting but if you steal one 'red star' you are granted the ability to tell one lie EVERYONE will believe.

The Gene of AI: a Madhouse work that explores relationships between AI and humans and the personality and consciousness concepts if you have the ability to save it after death.

My Tiny Senpai: other than the twitter rage it caused during announcement, it's ok just wish it was developed more as they are adults working in an office not a high school romance.

The dreaming boy is a realist: I actually have read the manga for this so like to see how the anime compares. A boy who simps hard for one girl just decides to stop and accept she doesn't like him, leading to a situation where she is confused about her feelings now that he's stopped chasing her.

I need to get round to watching:

Saint Cecila and the Pastor Lawrence



My unique Skill makes me Op at level 1: standard isekai where guy starts off apparently weak but gets op fast. It's ok but that's it


The girl I like forgot her Glasses AND The masterful Cat is depressed again today: GoHands, the people who made the both of these, wtf is with you? Why do you keep doing weird animation angles? I had to drop both of these because I was getting sick, not in a 'I'm sick of this genre' sense, motion sickness. Your animation style was giving me motion sickness!

That's the lot for this season, anything I missed feel free to add and let's hope the left continues to be gatekept.