First, I'd like to state that I'm aware of the issues associated with 5G cell towers and the health risks associated with them. Cities and communities across the world have vocally opposed and even banned their construction, and I think they are right to do so.
However, I am curious as to whether the 5G problem is associated with "5G" cell phones.
I have a based friend who may end up needing a new phone for work. Problem is, every phone on the market is "5G", and he wants to take care of himself as best as he can, hence why he's been hesitant to take the plunge on a newer phone.
Fortunately, we live in a county that recently denied multiple permit requests for 5G towers, so we're not as worried about 5G towers.
But do 5G smartphones have the same health risks as the 5G towers?
I'd appreciate feedback from people in the know.
A microwave oven emits 600 to 1200 Watts of power. Cell towers emit far less - 10 to 50 Watts - and cellphones emit less again. You can't present raw energy transfer as evidence that microwaves are dangerous and not care about the amount of raw energy being transferred, for the same reason that a 1 kW laser isn't evidence that flashlights are dangerous.