“Peter Kitto, a trauma counsellor for veterans…said (Jeremy Mackenzie’s) dark humour keeps many from putting a gun in their mouth.” His followers have stalked journalists, he’s called them sluts, and he’s suggested journalists should be killed.
Note the 1st worst thing she can think about him is that people who follow him do something and the 2nd is that he called her a slut.
Also Rachel: https://twitter.com/atRachelGilmore/status/1702783672984682999 (https://archive.ph/n17Ue)
When I bought this $20, locally-made tote bag from an artist, I knew it would piss off misogynists. But man, if I knew how many misogynists it’d piss off, I probably would’ve paid a premium!
The 1st pic is one of her with her tits out carrying a tote saying "BE A SLUT". The 2nd is the screenshot of a tweet from Jeremy with a pic of Rachel that someone snapped while "stalking" (ie literally walking in front of the courthouse where the Freedom Convoy leaders are being tried while the trial is happening, of pure coincidence...definitely not actively trying to be seen to play the victim)
So pls stop saying this only happened because I walked by a courthouse where the convoy trial was happening. That’s a secondary and totally unrelated thing! Ok that’s all, goodnight!
Ottawa is over 1000 sq mi but she just happened to walk in front of that courthouse randomly. Considering she was attacking and lying about the convoy before it even got to Ottawa, you'd think she'd actively avoid that area if the evil freedom terrorists were such dangerous and awful people but she's just out for a stroll with her slut bag (she's such a professional journalamist!) where she'd know they'd congregate.
So many random circumstances coming together!
Stop calling her a slut, okay. Just because she advertises as one does not make it okay.
Leave it to the professionals, who are also sluts. But don't call them that.
Until everyone understands her plight, we can't call her a slut.
Totally uncalled for, even though she admits to being one, gets to act like one, dresses like one, and then gets upset like one. But don't call her one.
If you're going to wear a whores uniform, don't be surprised when people call you one. And I point to this skit again in Dave Chapelle's Killing Them Softly special: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLLpoiCjreU