Her infidelity is easily presumed, and I would a agree that it is likely true, but we do not know for sure and likely never will.
We can all agree that the court of public opinion is pretty shit, and that the media is swinging for her pretty hard in a coordinated manner.
Personally, I think the husband has multiple smoking guns, but he also has at least look like he is playing nice over this "mutual split", so he is trying to bury her because he has seen what happens when the story gets out and is against you, true or not.
Her infidelity is easily presumed, and I would a agree that it is likely true, but we do not know for sure and likely never will.
We can all agree that the court of public opinion is pretty shit, and that the media is swinging for her pretty hard in a coordinated manner.
Personally, I think the husband has multiple smoking guns, but he also has at least look like he is playing nice over this "mutual split", so he is trying to bury her because he has seen what happens when the story gets out and is against you, true or not.