If they attempt it in the US again, results will vary wildly state-by-state and even county-by-county. There are a few places that probably would, but there are a LOT of places where even people who enthusiastically masked last time won't do it again. If they try this, I suspect we'll see significant pushback even in the unbelievably liberal Los Angeles County...or else a significant contingent which simply ignore the rules regardless.
Hard to tell if the blacks will comply again this time, they have the fuck off government attitude but also weirdly hypochondriac, Mexicans will probably ignore it and pretend not understand Ingles when confronted by white soyboys, white liberal soyboys, omg yasss let me mask harder
Yeah, mask and lockdown success is going to vary wildly by ethnicity and political affiliation. Which is why this going to be so region-dependent, if they actually try it in earnest; Los Angeles County would have a harder time than e.g. Portland or San Fransisco, but a much easier time than pretty much any city or town with fewer than a hundred thousand inhabitants.
Blacks, Asians, soy Whites and wheelchair-bound geriatrics tend to be the demographics I still see wearing them (though at low rates). This thing just flat-out broke some people, and at this point I figure if you're still wearing a mask you're probably going to spend the rest of your life wearing one.
If they attempt it in the US again, results will vary wildly state-by-state and even county-by-county. There are a few places that probably would, but there are a LOT of places where even people who enthusiastically masked last time won't do it again. If they try this, I suspect we'll see significant pushback even in the unbelievably liberal Los Angeles County...or else a significant contingent which simply ignore the rules regardless.
Hard to tell if the blacks will comply again this time, they have the fuck off government attitude but also weirdly hypochondriac, Mexicans will probably ignore it and pretend not understand Ingles when confronted by white soyboys, white liberal soyboys, omg yasss let me mask harder
Yeah, mask and lockdown success is going to vary wildly by ethnicity and political affiliation. Which is why this going to be so region-dependent, if they actually try it in earnest; Los Angeles County would have a harder time than e.g. Portland or San Fransisco, but a much easier time than pretty much any city or town with fewer than a hundred thousand inhabitants.
Where I am I still see some Blacks in masks.
Blacks, Asians, soy Whites and wheelchair-bound geriatrics tend to be the demographics I still see wearing them (though at low rates). This thing just flat-out broke some people, and at this point I figure if you're still wearing a mask you're probably going to spend the rest of your life wearing one.