I’ll probably get it around thanksgiving. I was watching the HeelzvsBabyface livestream that got so much attention. I avoided arguing with the trolls in his comment section otherwise I’d still be on there with the people who said everyone has pronouns or that pronouns are welcoming.
I know some say to just roll your eyes and continue but this acknowledgment of a tiny percentage of delusional people is beyond idiotic.
I’ve also heard that they really hammer THE MESSAGE and there is the usual “representation”
I feel kinda bad because I know there are female gamers and I have some nieces who play games (granted they are games you would expect girls to play) but this almost decade long push for more women in gaming is beyond annoying. As well as the “everything has to appeal to everyone” marketing idea.
Like I said I’ll probably buy it around thanksgiving and there will be cool mods I’d imagine. I’m still playing heavily modded Skyrim and can’t wait for the oblivion mod.
Next up is Elder Scrolls 6
It's much easier than the first one, but I actually think that's because it's less buggy than the first. I can't count the number of times that I got mauled by bosses because of weird hitboxes or missed a pixel-perfect jump over a set of spikes in the first one.
The movement upgrades are also more standard Metroidvania faire instead of stuff that makes platforms appear or allows you to fall into lower areas. And the way they made the weapons act as "keys" is kind of unique and clever.
I also haven't run into any bugs (playing on a Switch) except two random crashes, so I can't speak to that. It does still have the same damn problem where when you're moving down, the camera doesn't pan below your fucking feet more than like 1 or 2 tiles, and if you fall down from high places, the camera doesn't keep up with you so good luck avoiding spikes if you don't already know exactly where they are. But spikes are no longer instant death so it's less of a hair-pulling annoyance now.
I've read a lot of complaining about how difficult the second-to-last boss is, but my middle-aged reflexes have beaten him with 2 of the weapons now without that much difficulty so I think that's just millennial whining. The fights are all fair and just require decent timing and positioning -- and patience to wait for safe windows to attack.
All in all, I'd call it closer to Hollow Knight than the original Blasphemous, in terms of gameplay. It's also slightly less brutal in overall tone, IMO. I liked it well enough on its own terms but I could see people being disappointed about the movement no longer feeling as "heavy" as the original did with the Mea Culpa and limited move set.