posted ago by TheImpossible1 ago by TheImpossible1 +15 / -14

Let's jump back to 2020 briefly. World Economic Forum member Tulsi Gabbard pushed the "Save Women's Sports Act", which failed in Congress.

At this point, the people we now know as TERFs were still trying to get female murderers freed.

The Soros family was starting to invest in professional women's sports, founding Athletes Unlimited in the same year.

The president of the NCAA at the time was a lifetime member of the Council for Foreign Relations.

Jump forward, to March 11th, 2022. The famous AEI meeting of neocon Republicans occurred, with a representative of the WH attending. They were talking about the future of the Republican Party, without President Donald J. Trump.

One more week forward, trans woman Lia Thomas wins an NCAA race, and who comes forward as the first to oppose it? Ron DeSantis, the very person who would have been chosen at the AEI meeting, based on what we know now.

This was the plan the neocons were going with, prop up a false agenda, and push that only DeSantis could stop it.

Conservative Tree House mentions this agenda, calling it the Sea Island Strategy.

It is the economic policy that impacts the Billionaire Wall Street donors and multinationals. The donors are paying for an economic control outcome. That is why we are seeing such an emphasis on cultural issues from the Sea Island strategy, as displayed in the policy emphasis of Ron DeSantis.

This focus promptly earns him a deplatforming from Google, who block his site from appearing in searches.