If you could fire one showrunner of any book/game adaption or remake/"reimagining" that has been done since 2016 who would it be?
Very tough choice for me, but I think I would fire the showrunner for Wheel of Time. I'd love to tell him to his face that I wanted someone to actually adapt the book and to not inject their personal garbage. The guy actually said that he wanted to bring out lgbt stuff that the book only hints at or doesn't go into detail about, but when the book specifically describes how people look, that doesn't seem to matter. Or the whole Dragon Reborn prophecy doesn't seem to matter amongst other things. You could've have had such a popular show with someone who actually cared about adapting the books.
I guess an honorable mention would be to fire in advance the lady who is doing the Chronicles of Narnia butchering.... I mean adaptation for Netflix, but there are so many I could pick.
If I get a cut of the profits, then Star Wars easily. Disney sacrificed a huge cash cow at the altar of woke there. I was also in to it as a kid, albeit aside from turning on one of the old movies every few years I don’t pay attention anymore.
As a huge fan of the EU I’ll forever hold that grudge against Disney. They couldn’t just continue that universe in its own timeline?
Hubris, greed and "the message" are my top 3 likely reasons.
uPdAtInG fOr MoDeRn AuDiEnCeS