I often wonder so many of the ones that scream that everything is so awful have ever actually had it bad. The things I read never sound like actual poor people, just ones that perceive the world has come to an end for them because the delusions of riches they were promised aren't going to come true. Maybe it just the last 15 years of my life watching just how spoiled all the kids seem. They complain now because they grew up expecting a new toy every time they went to the store, a plethora of streaming services for music and video they've always had whenever they wanted, eating out possibly every day and getting what they want instead of having to deal with whatever mystery casserole was put on the table. These are the ones in the screeching media who grew up and just can't realize that when times get tough, all this shit you expect is just another luxury item.
Why is it wrong to be upset that your standard of living is declining? Especially when so many policy decisions were made with the promise of it increasing? Are people expected to be stoic while they're being told "You fucked up! You trusted us!"
This same argument gets used to justify limitless immigration from the third world. "Oh these Americans are too good to work in a field picking fruit for $2/hour! That's why we need to bring in Miguel! He's used to living in a cardboard shack and won't complain!"
I freely admit I've never lived in some third-world favela or on a literal mound of garbage as some do. I don't think that should disqualify me from noticing (eg.) that gas is a lot more expensive than it used to be. Yes it's still cheap compared to in Europe: I've heard that my entire fucking life. Maybe I don't live in fucking Europe and don't care how much gas costs in fucking Europe.
There's nothing wrong with that. The ones that piss me off are the ones that expect their standard of living to maintain or increase with at best worthless effort on their part. Then when it doesn't happen they scream for the government to give it to them. They can't wait for the communism so they can just enjoy their free shit while relaxing and working on their art, but only when they feel like it. If someone won't contribute enough value that others even want their services, then they can piss off and I don't give a shit if their standard of living declines to a soggy cardboard box.
I'm also not much into the doomer blackpill attitude anyway. I don't want to live my life agitated all the time. Do the best I can to notice and improve things, sure. Give up, throw in the towel, and live out the rest of my life in the shittiest and most disgruntled way possible because it's all hopeless anyway? No.
I often wonder so many of the ones that scream that everything is so awful have ever actually had it bad. The things I read never sound like actual poor people, just ones that perceive the world has come to an end for them because the delusions of riches they were promised aren't going to come true. Maybe it just the last 15 years of my life watching just how spoiled all the kids seem. They complain now because they grew up expecting a new toy every time they went to the store, a plethora of streaming services for music and video they've always had whenever they wanted, eating out possibly every day and getting what they want instead of having to deal with whatever mystery casserole was put on the table. These are the ones in the screeching media who grew up and just can't realize that when times get tough, all this shit you expect is just another luxury item.
Why is it wrong to be upset that your standard of living is declining? Especially when so many policy decisions were made with the promise of it increasing? Are people expected to be stoic while they're being told "You fucked up! You trusted us!"
This same argument gets used to justify limitless immigration from the third world. "Oh these Americans are too good to work in a field picking fruit for $2/hour! That's why we need to bring in Miguel! He's used to living in a cardboard shack and won't complain!"
I freely admit I've never lived in some third-world favela or on a literal mound of garbage as some do. I don't think that should disqualify me from noticing (eg.) that gas is a lot more expensive than it used to be. Yes it's still cheap compared to in Europe: I've heard that my entire fucking life. Maybe I don't live in fucking Europe and don't care how much gas costs in fucking Europe.
There's nothing wrong with that. The ones that piss me off are the ones that expect their standard of living to maintain or increase with at best worthless effort on their part. Then when it doesn't happen they scream for the government to give it to them. They can't wait for the communism so they can just enjoy their free shit while relaxing and working on their art, but only when they feel like it. If someone won't contribute enough value that others even want their services, then they can piss off and I don't give a shit if their standard of living declines to a soggy cardboard box.
I'm also not much into the doomer blackpill attitude anyway. I don't want to live my life agitated all the time. Do the best I can to notice and improve things, sure. Give up, throw in the towel, and live out the rest of my life in the shittiest and most disgruntled way possible because it's all hopeless anyway? No.