Perhaps influenza H1N1 was a virus created in a laboratory that got out of control, originally being meant as a military weapon.
Perhaps tomorrow there will be fish flu, because sometimes we produce viruses by controlling them. It is a commercial business. Capitalist companies produce viruses so that they can generate and sell vaccinations. That is very shameful and poor ethics. Vaccinations and medicine should not be sold. In The Green Book, I maintain that medicines should not be sold or subject to commercialization. Medicines should be free of charge and vaccinations given free to children, but capitalist companies produce the viruses and vaccinations and want to make a profit. Why are they not free of charge? We should give them free of charge, and not sell them.
— Muammar Gaddafi (1942-2011), 64th UN General Assembly, 2009
Rumor has it Gaddafi was trying to build a gold network to get off the shackles of the SWIFT banking system and petrodollar (like Hussein before him).
He stated his nation was the only barrier holding a flood of migrants back from Europe.
He called out weaponizing viruses too?
No wonder they had him killed.