posted ago by YesMovement ago by YesMovement +25 / -1


This is absolutely insane behaviour for any political leader and more reporters need to be brave enough to cover it. Poilievre’s fundraising email called on his fans to reject “the globalist Davos elites.” Globalist is an antisemitic dogwhistle used in conspiracy circles.


It’s not “brave” to make stuff up. Perhaps journalists with access could ask Chrystia Freeland about how she balances Canada’s interests with the WEF’s while serving in a leadership role for both.


Who exactly is “making stuff up” here, Andrew? Globalist has been widely documented as an antisemitic dogwhistle in conspiracy circles. You can have your own concerns about Freeland’s role on the world stage. You can’t use those concerns to deflect from a legitimate issue.


Cool to see that, in defending himself against a story that highlighted his embrace of conspiratorial rhetoric, Poilievre is retweeting ardent support from checks notes Aaron Gunn, who has tweeted that the gender pay gap isn't real and systemic racism is a "myth." Nice!!


You can read more about Gunn here, including about his:

  1. work with professional edgelords Canada Proud

  2. the time he protested at the same rally as the far-right extremists, Sons of Odin

OP NOTE: Gilmore has not only publicly supported the far-left extremists Antifa, but shared the stage with far-left extremists like Erica Ifill who celebrated the Queen dying and said says when she seeks an expert opinion she does not talk to white men.


Like sorry if you’re going to be a political leader rubber-stamping fundraising emails, maybe check that the term you’re using isn’t in the ADL’s “glossary of extremism.” I don’t feel like that’s asking too much?? Unless, of course, they did check and used the term anyways.