This is the word of God. It is both true and beautiful. A skilled translator can achieve both. They are complimentary in many ways. Not entirely at odds.
That's not to say that there's never a tension when translating, particular for songs and poetry. There absolutely is. But you can retain a lot of the beauty. Maybe lean on notes a bit more and retain even more of it.
Beauty alone is not everything, and the Bible also has warnings against shallow adornments and uses the phrase 'whited sepulcher' sure. But it is important.
This is the word of God. It is both true and beautiful. A skilled translator can achieve both. They are complimentary in many ways. Not entirely at odds.
That's not to say that there's never a tension when translating, particular for songs and poetry. There absolutely is. But you can retain a lot of the beauty. Maybe lean on notes a bit more and retain even more of it.
Beauty alone is not everything, and the Bible also has warnings against shallow adornments and uses the phrase 'whited sepulcher' sure. But it is important.