Yeah, the entirety of "The Demon-Haunted World", "Billions and Billions", and "Dragons of Eden", frankly.
He warns about scientists increasingly being in the pay of special interests, whether those are private or governmental.
He warns about increasing scientific incompetency, and the decreasing attention span of the Western human.
In one, he even talks about how tribal names tend to translate out simply to "The People", which indicates that other tribes were just "animals who can talk or trade".
And instead of just parading around saying "UAP aren't real" like a little nigerian prince, Sagan would have been at the forefront right next to Grusch, demanding answers to whistleblower claims, actively looking for that "extra-ordinary evidence" for extraordinary claims.
Yeah, the entirety of "The Demon-Haunted World", "Billions and Billions", and "Dragons of Eden", frankly.
He warns about scientists increasingly being in the pay of special interests, whether those are private or governmental.
He warns about increasing scientific incompetency, and the decreasing attention span of the Western human.
In one, he even talks about how tribal names tend to translate out simply to "The People", which indicates that other tribes were just "animals who can talk or trade".
And instead of just parading around saying "UAP aren't real" like a little nigerian prince, Sagan would have been at the forefront right next to Grusch, demanding answers to whistleblower claims, actively looking for that "extra-ordinary evidence" for extraordinary claims.