The Castlevania animated series made Sypha "a speaker that was persecuted by the Church". when in the original story in the games there's no such thing as "speakers" and she was a Christian raised by the Church. And "speakers" in the animated series are normads with magical powers and who move from place to place to spread what they think is "right" , on a population that doesnt like them. And these speakers are seen as the good guys by the show
It sounds really jewish. Probably written by a jewish writer
I think the creator Warren Ellis is British but he has various "sexual coercion allegations" and wrote for Marvel comics, so he's just a beta soyboy. At least he's very spiritually jewish if not ethnically.
the "speakers " in the animated series had oral traditions , written traditions and clannish behaviour and prophecies and beliefs about a messiah to come and they were persecuted by the Church and are normads. . they are very obviously jews.
Warren Ellis if he is really the writer, decided to make Christians look bad and jews look good . he's definitely jewish whether religiously or ethnically
The Castlevania animated series made Sypha "a speaker that was persecuted by the Church". when in the original story in the games there's no such thing as "speakers" and she was a Christian raised by the Church. And "speakers" in the animated series are normads with magical powers and who move from place to place to spread what they think is "right" , on a population that doesnt like them. And these speakers are seen as the good guys by the show
It sounds really jewish. Probably written by a jewish writer
I think the creator Warren Ellis is British but he has various "sexual coercion allegations" and wrote for Marvel comics, so he's just a beta soyboy. At least he's very spiritually jewish if not ethnically.
the "speakers " in the animated series had oral traditions , written traditions and clannish behaviour and prophecies and beliefs about a messiah to come and they were persecuted by the Church and are normads. . they are very obviously jews.
Warren Ellis if he is really the writer, decided to make Christians look bad and jews look good . he's definitely jewish whether religiously or ethnically