The Castlevania animated series made Sypha "a speaker that was persecuted by the Church". when in the original story there's no such thing as "speakers" and she was a Christian raised by the Church.
And "speakers" in the animated series are normads with magical powers and who move from place to place to spread what they think is "right" , on a population that doesnt like them. And these speakers are seen as the good guys by the show
It sounds really jewish. Probably written by a jewish writer
The Castlevania animated series made Sypha "a speaker that was persecuted by the Church". when in the original story there's no such thing as "speakers" and she was a Christian raised by the Church. And "speakers" in the animated series are normads with magical powers and who move from place to place to spread what they think is "right" , on a population that doesnt like them. And these speakers are seen as the good guys by the show
It sounds really jewish. Probably written by a jewish writer