Summary and some discussion here: :
"A new study of 777 people found that 22 had markers that indicated the mRNA-1273 covid vaccine caused myocardial injury in 1 out of 35 people. This is about thousand times more than prior estimates of myocardial injury. It would mean if 1.8 billion people in the world had covid vaccinations and boosters then 50 million would have had myocardial injury. This would usually be mild and transitory but if those people had strenuous exercise during this period they could trigger heart attacks. This would mean if 280 million people in the USA had covid vaccinations and boosters then you would expect about 8 million to have experienced myocardial injury from the vaccination."
Here is the source study:
Dr. John Campbell discusses the new study:
I am not an expert but this study looks pretty legit to me: peer reviewed, relatively large cohort (777 people), respectable source and so forth.
If the risks revealed therein are in fact indicative of the population risks of these vaccines this is enormous news and a real "smoking gun" moment.
Edit: Here's a video of Dr. Vinay Prasad giving a very good explanation of the study (thanks to @fauxgnaws):
9/10 normies simply will not believe it unless the NYT and WaPo confirm it, which will never happen.
I'm sure at least half of them have doubts but they keep those doubts to themselves.
The fact that this is a high quality and peer reviewed study from a respected source will make it harder for the mainstream media to ignore. They probably still will, but I think there is at least a slim chance this gets some coverage.
I expect no coverage at all, no mention at all, like with all other credible evidence that goes against their narrative. They will only address it if voices become overwhelmingly loud despite them never saying a word about it, and when they do, they'll just deflect blame.
They will never acknowledge that they were the ones pushing for lockdowns, for barring entry to businesses to any non-compliant person, to barring travel, to having police enforcing curfews and dispersal of gatherings, to forcing their citizen to go against basic human rights about body autonomy, that they bombarded us with false propaganda for years while censoring all evidence of their lies, that they caused irrepairable harm to the mental development of our children and delayed their learning by years.They will always blame others, or argue that those were policies supported by everyone, and they won't be entirely wrong.
This event has shown that the majority of the population is utterly brainwashed, incapable of thinking for themselves, and unwilling to criticize or question people in positions of authority, even when they make questionable claims. I have loss a lot of faith I once had in society.
Well, it appears to have been published a month ago and not a peep in the mainstream, so yeah.
You are of course right, MSM will try to ignore this as hard as they can. From what I understand the paper is accepted and peer reviewed by the well respected European Journal of Heart Failure but has not yet been published (2:20 in the Campbell video). It may well get a bump in visibility when it's officially published.