I had the misfortune of sitting through a nigger "influencer" give a keynote on niggers and the outdoors. It was 45 minutes of him cycling through four points:
• gibsmedat (spend money advertising state parks to inner city niggers hundreds of miles away)
• fuck Whitey; Whitey keeps niggers out of nature
• he can't get his immediate family to go on hikes with him, they are so disinterested (this point repeatedly followed point #2, but no connection was ever drawn between the two)
• every time the White man heard this nigger liked the outdoors, the White man would bend over backwards to be a gracious host. He had multiple stories of local guides and farmers showing him, a stranger, their secret rare wildlife viewing areas. The keynote invitation likewise just fell in his lap. This point also was never connected to #2.
There was one funny bit: he literally stated that once Whites are demographically replaced, nature as we know it (state and federal parks, preserves, etc.) will disappear. He meant it as a rallying cry, but being 90 IQ, forgot to append "unless we act now" or something similar.
I had the misfortune of sitting through a nigger "influencer" give a keynote on niggers and the outdoors. It was 45 minutes of him cycling through four points:
• gibsmedat (spend money advertising state parks to inner city niggers hundreds of miles away)
• fuck Whitey; Whitey keeps niggers out of nature
• he can't get his immediate family to go on hikes with him, they are so disinterested (this point repeatedly followed point #2, but no connection was ever drawn between the two)
• every time the White man heard this nigger liked the outdoors, the White man would bend over backwards to be a gracious host. He had multiple stories of local guides and farmers showing him, a stranger, their secret rare wildlife viewing areas. The keynote invitation likewise just fell in his lap. This point also was never connected to #2.
There was one funny bit: he literally stated that once Whites are demographically replaced, nature as we know it (state and federal parks, preserves, etc.) will disappear. He meant it as a rallying cry, but being 90 IQ, forgot to append "unless we act now" or something similar.