Had a nice fwb situation for a few years but that's over now, so against my better judgement I hopped back into the online dating scene; and holy shit there are so many women who straight up say they expect a man to go to therapy.
It's not like I haven't seen this before, but nothing to this degree. I see it all the damn time now.
Therapy might have some worth in cases for people with actual mental issues, but the idea that most people should not only see a therapist but regularly see a therapist is fucking absurd.
Not sure if anyone else has seen the same. It's pretty clear that continual therapy is fully entrenched as a key component of the religion of woke.
This is better than sexual therapy which was pushed for a very long time. It even shows up in movies. The guy goes through hell, but is healed because he had sex. Do guys have sex drives that can cause anxiety and depression? Sure. Is that the cure to being beaten as a kid? No.
There are a lot of therapists who push therapy as a cure for themselves. They made themselves very obvious right after Trump got elected. In turn the lefty sphere got even more neurotic. I heard way too many people say they help their therapist as much as the therapist helps them. Had an aunt move in with her therapist, who she then dated. That's several breeches of protocol, and the therapist is still around.
So women are going after those therapists, and saying men need them. Really what men need are friends.
I knew a relative who was studying to convert to Judaism (her husbands religion) in a very liberal synagogue with a female rabbi. Same thing. Divorced husband and left kids. She was always a nut.