Person A: I support high levels of immigration.
Person B: Weren't you complaining about wages being too low? High levels of immigration directly impact wage growth in a negative way.
Person A: Yeah, but we don't have enough people to care for and replace baby boomers, so we need those immigrants.
Besides telling boomers to get rekt, what's your initial response?
Obviously, it's hypocritical to dissuade citizens from having children, and then turning around and saying we don't have enough people so we need more immigrants.
But I feel like I'm missing something here and can't quite put my finger on it.
One; if a job is in extreme demand, price of said job will rise to fill the needed quota of workers.
Two; I'm reminded of various photos/videos showing old people's last moments surrounded by screeching sheeboons.
Who do you want taking care of you; A highly skilled professional that's worked their ass off to get a very high-paying job and all that implies, or some third-world rando who's background is sketchy as fuck?
For that matter, do you actually want to relate to your caretaker at all? How do you think that's going to work when they can barely speak english and don't give a flying fuck about your society at all, given that they've self-sequestered into their own little ethnic enclaves?
If they want to live in a foreign country, they can fucking move to a foreign country. Please.
Arguments aside, I doubt sincerely that they give a flying fuck about the health and well-being of boomers. They just want those exotic brownerinos lurking about so they can gush about it online for good boy points.