I’m not necessarily talking about moment-to-moment gameplay or mechanics (though I could see some interesting points being made about, for example, RTS gameplay or RPG character building influence how you approached “strategy” in your own life).
What I’m trying to get at are the games you felt really had something to say.
For example, while I’m by no means the biggest fan (only ever played 2 and V), playing MGS V recently (and catching up on the background a bit) has created this sense in me, and I wondered where else one might have experienced that from vidya
I have a list of games I like to play every year. I haven't done that since starting my masters degree because of my schedule and that most of my consoles are on the other side of the country.
However, the game that has affected me the most is a level editor. The ability to make levels and understand things like light, flow, weenies and movement have become something important in my life. I have talked with architects and engineers at a professional level with my level editing knowledge. I have looked at the night and shadows in awe of their beauty because of how they were used in the original Unreal. Since I design themed Experiences now, those same level editors show up as a way for me to test ideas or show off designs.
So, level editors have changed my life the most.