posted ago by Cronosmax2 ago by Cronosmax2 +6 / -2

I personally was never really into capeshit really, and the "batman is a facist" line seems like more corpo pandering towards the leftist younger generation. It sucks because blue beetle is an interesting and underated character in my opinion, but everything made nowadays just seems so souless and overall rubbish. And off topic, but is it just me, or but political hamfisting in modern media aside, does most piece of mainstream media nowadays just look so souless (I know thats an overused word online, but I feel like thats a good way to describe it) and uninspired nowadays? Especially with all the remakes coming out. The way i'll describe it, old movies are the old google logo, and new movies are the modern corporate designs you see every company using. Just like old skeumorphic designs I'm a fan of, polticis aside, old media has a certain charm to it I just dont feel in any new mainstream things nowadays. Sorry for going on a tanget lol but thats how I feel.