My other half isn't much of a gamer but she has my old low end laptop and wants a co-op game that we can play together. We've previously played Minecraft together but nothing else, she just wants something we can play together.
Any good recommendations that are cheap and not graphic intensive?
Hammerwatch maybe? New one's supposed to come out in the next month or so too.
In addition, you have all of the old-school Bioware games that support coop. Baldur's Gate 1-2, Icewind Dale 1-2, and a few others. No idea if some of the remastered editions are any good or if they were injected with wokeness though.
There's also always some old-school emulation options from the SNES and Genesis era of games. There were at least a few concurrent multiplayer games there.
Also, Neverwinter Nights 1, and possibly 2 are somewhat viable options.