Putting aside the myriad of issues of “feel safe” as opposed to actually being safe (a frequent error of SJWisn), I don’t mind sounding a bit like an SJW myself by asking her to reflect on why she “feels” safe in Japan. What is different, that can only be “felt” as opposed to analyzed, observed, etc.? What could it possibly be, young woman? Are you a bit racist yourself???
Anyone who's actually known a leftist properly RL can immediately sniff that shit out.
I'm not sure that I care. I don't value racism but race realism. When I was a kid, there were genuinely and openly ignorant racist people. This is just as wrong as people that don't see color. To the extent that leftist racism is based on facts, well I encourage it. But leftists are fond of applying group stereotypes to the whole group. The most racialist, correct person realizes there are massive differences between individuals.
And that's what anti-affirmative-action is all about. Let the talented people like Clarence Thomas succeed on their own merits. It only takes away from them to give the same opportunities to retards.
Let the talented people like Clarence Thomas succeed on their own merits. It only takes away from them to give the same opportunities to retards.
For every Clarence Thomas there is a thousand George Floyd. It’s not good enough for leftists to have one Thomas, there must be a thousand Thomas. Leftists lived in delusion because reality is often disappointing.
Putting aside the myriad of issues of “feel safe” as opposed to actually being safe (a frequent error of SJWisn), I don’t mind sounding a bit like an SJW myself by asking her to reflect on why she “feels” safe in Japan. What is different, that can only be “felt” as opposed to analyzed, observed, etc.? What could it possibly be, young woman? Are you a bit racist yourself???
I'm not sure that I care. I don't value racism but race realism. When I was a kid, there were genuinely and openly ignorant racist people. This is just as wrong as people that don't see color. To the extent that leftist racism is based on facts, well I encourage it. But leftists are fond of applying group stereotypes to the whole group. The most racialist, correct person realizes there are massive differences between individuals.
And that's what anti-affirmative-action is all about. Let the talented people like Clarence Thomas succeed on their own merits. It only takes away from them to give the same opportunities to retards.
For every Clarence Thomas there is a thousand George Floyd. It’s not good enough for leftists to have one Thomas, there must be a thousand Thomas. Leftists lived in delusion because reality is often disappointing.
Obviously because there are no huwite supremes with guns