25 Love Wins is Proven to be Racist by Lefty Friends (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 1 year ago by AlfredicEnglishRules 1 year ago by AlfredicEnglishRules +25 / -0 31 comments download share 31 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
That's the left corner. Haha, they can't even get their stupid infographics correct.
Also, most swastikas you see in the wild are pretty small, anyway. Good luck fitting all that in a couple square inches.
Also, like with most lefty policies, this is based on theory, not practice...when's the last time you saw a swastika that clean and orderly?!
This is like the instructional version of TheLeftCantMeme. A normal person would have just steps 1 and 4. "Draw a square around the swastika and write these letters inside..."
Ah, you're right. I thought it was steps, but it's quadrants. You are correct.