I haven't seen a black american hired in tech in a decade. The last black american I saw in tech, they hired an indian manager, and the black guy was the first guy he fired.
Since then the only black guy I saw hired turned out to be from a suburb in africa.
My experience is the beneficiaries are people with well off parents from other countries.
Or white women.
Yes. Thomas Sowell and others have long gone over this, and it always hurts.
Basically what happens is that Affirmative Action negates the whole point of a meritocracy by putting less competent people into positions they are not able to preform in. So in each case, they underperform. That doesn't seem like it would be all that bad by itself, but it causes insane effects.
It's been particularly studied in regards to colleges, that the students who couldn't actually make the cut are put into programs they can't compete in. Even when they don't flunk out, tons of them still drop-out anyway. The vast majority of the ones who succeed are not the ones who rose to the occasion, but are exploiting every advantage they have.
The ones who succeed, are now entirely dependent on the affirmative action schemes to keep going, and keep piling up.
The ones who drop-out or fail out, end up being so demoralized that they never attempt any further higher education, and their children have a lesser chance of a higher education as well. Where, if they had simply gone to a less intense college, they would have never needed to drop out, and would have likely gone down the same route as everyone else who succeeds in (any) college education; and that could have been passed down to their kids.
But this doesn't stop at that point, the same problem hits the people who succeed. They are in full "Imposter Syndrome" their entire life. They are constantly insecure, because they are never actually competent enough to do the job, if it's being handed to them on a plater. Every promotion makes the situation worse, until they are totally unqualified for every position. This then becomes the basis of the competency crisis for society.
It's only utility is that it creates a politically dependent intelligentsia for the people that push it. Whom are evil racists.
Put it like this: what's going to generate better outcomes for the poor? Employing them, or giving them lottery winnings of a million dollars? Truth is: giving them a million dollars almost always keeps them poor. They lose everything within months or years.
Yes, this too. In fact, I'd be willing to bet it's part of the reason why the middle-class leftist whites act the way they do.
"Of course the blacks won't succeed on their own! Every single one I've personally "uplifted" failed for some reason!"