Also, in animated form, sixteen year olds often present as adult. Anime, video games, animations...they're often not presented as such, and it's often impossible to tell they're sixteen (they're not even, since they're fictional), so whining about people finding a presumably hot character hot (I don't know the character in question) is beyond silly.
As long as people aren't preying on real world children, I don't give a damn. And, again, sixteen in animation could mean anything. That's much different than sexualizing or obsessing over an animation that is clearly supposed to be a prepubescent child.
In animation, there are fully mature characters who are supposed to be sixteen, and then there are obvious child characters who are, as the meme goes, 700 year old vampires, or whatever. Spare me the moral outrage over a fictional, animated sixteen year old.
I hate lolicon and I would never crusade against this. It's such a contrived intrusion into fiction, like the "droids rights" character in the Solo trash fire
Yeah, lolis are one thing (which I won't touch with a ten foot poll; any debate around that usually turns into a thread-consuming dumpster fire), but sexy animated sixteen year olds are completely different.
I'm not going to defend real life underage sexualization (there was one dude around a few months back trying to convince people that real life fifteen year old are totally hot, trust me, and used photo evidence...a little sus, to say the least), but I've got no qualms about defending hot animated fictional sixteen year olds.
As you said, it's contrived intrusion into fiction. You can tack any age onto any made up character, as evidenced by the aforementioned 700 year old child vampires. Outrage over an "underage" but adult-presenting animation is either retard outrage, or faux outrage to manipulate and guilt people into agreeing with you.
Also, in animated form, sixteen year olds often present as adult. Anime, video games, animations...they're often not presented as such, and it's often impossible to tell they're sixteen (they're not even, since they're fictional), so whining about people finding a presumably hot character hot (I don't know the character in question) is beyond silly.
As long as people aren't preying on real world children, I don't give a damn. And, again, sixteen in animation could mean anything. That's much different than sexualizing or obsessing over an animation that is clearly supposed to be a prepubescent child.
In animation, there are fully mature characters who are supposed to be sixteen, and then there are obvious child characters who are, as the meme goes, 700 year old vampires, or whatever. Spare me the moral outrage over a fictional, animated sixteen year old.
I hate lolicon and I would never crusade against this. It's such a contrived intrusion into fiction, like the "droids rights" character in the Solo trash fire
Yeah, lolis are one thing (which I won't touch with a ten foot poll; any debate around that usually turns into a thread-consuming dumpster fire), but sexy animated sixteen year olds are completely different.
I'm not going to defend real life underage sexualization (there was one dude around a few months back trying to convince people that real life fifteen year old are totally hot, trust me, and used photo evidence...a little sus, to say the least), but I've got no qualms about defending hot animated fictional sixteen year olds.
As you said, it's contrived intrusion into fiction. You can tack any age onto any made up character, as evidenced by the aforementioned 700 year old child vampires. Outrage over an "underage" but adult-presenting animation is either retard outrage, or faux outrage to manipulate and guilt people into agreeing with you.