There are plenty of relationship benefits a man can glean from a woman with a page. One, she’s probably super hot. Two, she’s probably more sexually open than most women. Three, she’s probably making bank.
What the fuck? Did this author do ANY research into this topic before he wrote about it? Because you can assume they are NOT making bank, that is the vast minority of them who are profitable.
Odds are if you marry a girl with a OF page she is desperate, cash poor and saddled with a kid or a STD. THAT is what you would be married to, not some gorgeous young 20 year old making millions and treating you like a King.
That tiny minority of OF models isn't going to marry some fucking rando. Vice must hire the absolute dumbest shits on Earth or the laziest, probably both.
What the fuck? Did this author do ANY research into this topic before he wrote about it? Because you can assume they are NOT making bank, that is the vast minority of them who are profitable.
Odds are if you marry a girl with a OF page she is desperate, cash poor and saddled with a kid or a STD. THAT is what you would be married to, not some gorgeous young 20 year old making millions and treating you like a King.
That tiny minority of OF models isn't going to marry some fucking rando. Vice must hire the absolute dumbest shits on Earth or the laziest, probably both.
Vice: What I Imagine It’s Like to Be Married to an OnlyFans Model While I’m Spanking My Monkey