In fairness, a lot of people who read AP stories don’t follow internet gender bitchery enough to know what the hell it even means. I envy people like that
So, men's rights advocates can be called all the names from incel, to cancer on society, to "misogynist", but male genocide psychopaths LARPing as conservatives have a whole guide to not offending them.
And people still think that movement is "anti-establishment".
Do any Proud Boys help make the decisions on who gets called "far right"? Because this is...a choice.
What a bigot that person is for not using “folx”
You've made a point that directly opposes what you're trying to say.
Why do TERFs get the kid gloves if they aren't establishment backed?
In fairness, a lot of people who read AP stories don’t follow internet gender bitchery enough to know what the hell it even means. I envy people like that
Imagine if "folx" looked at other people as sentient beings with a range of views to be respected rather than put into categories and demonized.
So, men's rights advocates can be called all the names from incel, to cancer on society, to "misogynist", but male genocide psychopaths LARPing as conservatives have a whole guide to not offending them.
And people still think that movement is "anti-establishment".