Everyone women are allied with will push it. They want all free porn sites closed by 2025. They don't care about kids, of course, they just want less competition and the whole industry under their boot before AI is developed enough to be a risk to their profit margins from the exploitation of men.
European Women's Lobby agenda. Next is a call to "stop virtual violence against women"
Yet. If you think he won't do this too, you're optimistic.
Trump endorsed the two Texas legislators who wrote this id verification bill.
What makes you think Trump cannot be influenced to do this by dumb tradcons flattering him and sucking up to him?
If DeSantis ever pushed this porn id bill in Florida, I will be calling him out.
Everyone women are allied with will push it. They want all free porn sites closed by 2025. They don't care about kids, of course, they just want less competition and the whole industry under their boot before AI is developed enough to be a risk to their profit margins from the exploitation of men.
European Women's Lobby agenda. Next is a call to "stop virtual violence against women"