"Fallen Angels" by Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, and Michael Flynn is a science fiction novel set in a future Earth enduring an ice age. In this world, a totalitarian environmentalist government suppresses technology. When a group of stranded astronauts crash-land on Earth, they face the government's efforts to capture and control them. With the help of a network of rebellious individuals, the astronauts must navigate treacherous landscapes and evade authorities to reach the independent space station "Fiddler's Green" and escape the oppressive regime, while also shedding light on the true environmental situation of the planet.
Oh look... it just so happens the solution to this greatly exaggerated mostly made-up problem is global communism....
I miss when we were facing the next ice age, at least some good Sci Fi came out of it.
"Fallen Angels" by Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, and Michael Flynn is a science fiction novel set in a future Earth enduring an ice age. In this world, a totalitarian environmentalist government suppresses technology. When a group of stranded astronauts crash-land on Earth, they face the government's efforts to capture and control them. With the help of a network of rebellious individuals, the astronauts must navigate treacherous landscapes and evade authorities to reach the independent space station "Fiddler's Green" and escape the oppressive regime, while also shedding light on the true environmental situation of the planet.