Excess salt isn't bad for you as long as you have functional kidneys. The connection to hypertension isn't based on real science. South Koreans eat twice the salt on average as Americans and have much less hypertension. Prior to refrigeration Europeans ate ten times the salt as Americans currently do and less hypertension. It's the refined sugar and HFCS and the carbs in general and seed oils. If this chain starts using tallow to make their fries I'll move to Russia.
I've fried my own fries many times. It's a pant load of pain in the ass. I'll usually chunk up potatoes, toss them in bacon grease and air fry them and that scratches the same itch, but if I want deep fried I am buying them (or mostly not because everywhere uses vegetable oils) because a man can only spill oil all over his stove so many times.
e: Actually now that I think about it I haven't done any deep frying since I've become a seed oil disrespecter and tallow would be easier to clean because it's solid at room temp.
Excess salt isn't bad for you as long as you have functional kidneys. The connection to hypertension isn't based on real science. South Koreans eat twice the salt on average as Americans and have much less hypertension. Prior to refrigeration Europeans ate ten times the salt as Americans currently do and less hypertension. It's the refined sugar and HFCS and the carbs in general and seed oils. If this chain starts using tallow to make their fries I'll move to Russia.
I've fried my own fries many times. It's a pant load of pain in the ass. I'll usually chunk up potatoes, toss them in bacon grease and air fry them and that scratches the same itch, but if I want deep fried I am buying them (or mostly not because everywhere uses vegetable oils) because a man can only spill oil all over his stove so many times.
e: Actually now that I think about it I haven't done any deep frying since I've become a seed oil disrespecter and tallow would be easier to clean because it's solid at room temp.
What is the advantage of a wok for deep frying versus a dutch oven?