My answer is obvious, but I'll leave it here to start with.
We need to reduce the representation of women in education massively. The majority of women seeking these roles have malicious intent, and are actively harming young boys.
We know they don't mark boys fairly, but that's just the peak of the insidious feminist plot.
They've clearly been destroying the self-worth of boys in the schools to groom a new generation of woman worshipping simps.
They're gonna suck as long as the government runs 'em. The existence of good public schools does nothing to provide a path for the rest of them to get good. The existence of good public schools proves that you can have some good schools no matter what system of organization you use.
The existence of good public school systems in other countries similarly does nothing to help the United States. Stuff that our government does usually sucks. Yet the country still does a lot of things well, because they get done in the private sector.
Someone explain to me what about education makes it different such that only the government can do it well.