My answer is obvious, but I'll leave it here to start with.
We need to reduce the representation of women in education massively. The majority of women seeking these roles have malicious intent, and are actively harming young boys.
We know they don't mark boys fairly, but that's just the peak of the insidious feminist plot.
They've clearly been destroying the self-worth of boys in the schools to groom a new generation of woman worshipping simps.
At the very least, a total redesign; we don't need factory workers, after all.
I've been homeschooling for a few years, and I love it, but there are some limitations. I'd honestly rather have a local school, like we have now, where parents are simply much more involved.
Ideally, every class would have a teacher with training on how to prepare lessons and create exercises. The teacher would have 2-3 parents assisting them by working with the kids individually, who would rotate so that every parent would have to put in some time. As I mentioned elsewhere, classes would have the same kids K through 8 so the parents and teachers would build a raport over the years, promoting culture.
With these highly trained teachers and hands-on parents, curricula could be designed at the school level based on State-wide standard tests. Exchanges could be done with schools who consistently score high on tests to create best practice guidelines to help schools that are struggling.