There needs to be science exceptions for rule 16 as unfortunately for negros there is growing research based evidence that says they are inferior as some races/ethnic groups were documented to perform better than them with LESS teaching, plus stuff was noticed involving internal volume among other things.
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You wouldn't use thread titles like, "Women's plan to create a women-only social media platform for the purpose of doxxing and targeting men is now close to their funding goal" if you were putting serious effort into avoiding R16.
If that gets yeeted, I didn't report it, for the record.
It's not R16.
Everyone involved in funding it is a woman.
Everyone who uses the platform is a woman.
It's a title that accurately communicates what's going on and what their plan is. These groups have hundreds of thousands of members, in each state. There are versions of these groups in Europe, Asia and probably Africa too.
Where women have access to the Internet, they are supporting this project, they are demanding a space to freely target men for the crime of existing. If it's R16 to report on an existential threat, then this community has no fucking purpose.
Mark my words, "Are We Dating The Same Guy" groups will be way worse than anything women have ever targeted us with before.
I have a plan to take them down, but I don't know who to reveal it to. I don't trust anyone, anyone here could be on their side, gathering information to help them.
You are using "women's" without qualification. I couldn't imagine using "Jews" in a post title like that under analogous circumstances.
If you had proof of hundreds of thousands of Jews making a group to attack non-Jews, I wouldn't oppose you doing that. And no, organizations that block Holocaust denial don't count.
I'm not the person who reports posts for R16. I very rarely do it unless it glows like Chernobyl wrapped in Christmas lights.
I prefer to mock and argue, it's more fun.
Although I can never tell if I'm right, as the downvote bots are inevitable.