The fun part about threats like this, is they are entirely designed to make you submit pre-emptively rather than actually enforce. That's how the "using OSHA to force all companies to vaxx employees" thing went down, before it got struck down for obvious reasons.
Much like gun control, they are piss terrified to actually directly do things like this in a lot of countries. Because they know they will get incredible backlash, and with that is the small chance of a handful of people being immune to the social pressure to comply.
All it takes is 10 or so individuals miles apart out of hundreds of millions to react psychotically and suddenly you have a shootout with people dead and a huge PR nightmare on your hands inspiring more people to resist, and it spirals from there. Militia groups and all sorts of "far right extremists" are still growing to this day off of Ruby Ridge/Waco PR recruiting for them.
It is a much more significant percentage of people who simply do not conform. I haven't read the Ashe conformity study in a long time but iirc something like 15-20% of people will not cave to social pressures.
And nonconformity is contagious -- which is why its so dangerous.
Right, I was simply aiming for violently non-conform. As in, waiting by the door with your gun ready for when they come for you.
Like with the vaxx thing, plenty of people refused until the OSHA thing and finally caved because it ceased to be social pressure and became financial. And plenty more who held on past that would have caved to actual direct threats.
Only a few truly exceptional individuals are going to stick it out to the bitter end.
I was lucky to live in a red state and my boss was anti-biden and was ready to rubber stamp exemptions... but even still I was ready to be on the street over it. I have such an aversion to being forced to do something I disagree with that it just makes me want to resist more.
I was already ready to walk over a number of other issues, so I took my protest a step further and said I was out if anyone was compelled to take the shot or to prove they had.
There were a couple of other people who took the same stance alongside me, and enough of us were sufficiently difficult to replace they caved.
Took them eighteen hours to walk it back to "we're going to see how SCOTUS rules" and then never say a word about it again.
The fun part about threats like this, is they are entirely designed to make you submit pre-emptively rather than actually enforce. That's how the "using OSHA to force all companies to vaxx employees" thing went down, before it got struck down for obvious reasons.
Much like gun control, they are piss terrified to actually directly do things like this in a lot of countries. Because they know they will get incredible backlash, and with that is the small chance of a handful of people being immune to the social pressure to comply.
All it takes is 10 or so individuals miles apart out of hundreds of millions to react psychotically and suddenly you have a shootout with people dead and a huge PR nightmare on your hands inspiring more people to resist, and it spirals from there. Militia groups and all sorts of "far right extremists" are still growing to this day off of Ruby Ridge/Waco PR recruiting for them.
It is a much more significant percentage of people who simply do not conform. I haven't read the Ashe conformity study in a long time but iirc something like 15-20% of people will not cave to social pressures.
And nonconformity is contagious -- which is why its so dangerous.
Right, I was simply aiming for violently non-conform. As in, waiting by the door with your gun ready for when they come for you.
Like with the vaxx thing, plenty of people refused until the OSHA thing and finally caved because it ceased to be social pressure and became financial. And plenty more who held on past that would have caved to actual direct threats.
Only a few truly exceptional individuals are going to stick it out to the bitter end.
I was lucky to live in a red state and my boss was anti-biden and was ready to rubber stamp exemptions... but even still I was ready to be on the street over it. I have such an aversion to being forced to do something I disagree with that it just makes me want to resist more.
I was already ready to walk over a number of other issues, so I took my protest a step further and said I was out if anyone was compelled to take the shot or to prove they had.
There were a couple of other people who took the same stance alongside me, and enough of us were sufficiently difficult to replace they caved.
Took them eighteen hours to walk it back to "we're going to see how SCOTUS rules" and then never say a word about it again.