It is sad to see this as someone who voted for him twice and defended him from all the unfair criticism and hate he received from 2015-2022. By June of last year, I was done with his nonsense. Sane people can only stomach so much unnecessary bullshit.
I will never be a "Magadonian".
It is just not worth it anymore. We actually have an alternate competent sane option for President with great policy.
I tolerated Trump's antics because he was funny enough the best candidate on policy in 2016. Right now that is clearly not the case. I will take Ron DeSantis over this crap anyday of the week.
It is fine to avoid the Vietnam War. It is not fine to constantly act like a bigger badass than men who actually served their nation.
Trump avoids war by citing bonespurs and he has the audacity to bash all of his political rivals who were veterans as less tough than him.
This type of chickenhawk behavior is pathetic.
I am not a fan of John McCain but he still served his country. You can bash his political positions all you want but Trump mocked him as a loser who was captured. It was a pretty disgusting thing to do that certainly lost Trump at least some veterans' votes.
That's hilarious. I like it.
HAAhAHAhhhaa,, what the fuck is he serious? Magadonians? Can I buy a NFT for that? He's gone off his nut.
It is sad to see this as someone who voted for him twice and defended him from all the unfair criticism and hate he received from 2015-2022. By June of last year, I was done with his nonsense. Sane people can only stomach so much unnecessary bullshit.
I will never be a "Magadonian".
It is just not worth it anymore. We actually have an alternate competent sane option for President with great policy.
I tolerated Trump's antics because he was funny enough the best candidate on policy in 2016. Right now that is clearly not the case. I will take Ron DeSantis over this crap anyday of the week.
No other former President would ever act this psychotic.
Jackson was a real Chad.
He didn't avoid military service unlike Trump.
It is fine to avoid the Vietnam War. It is not fine to constantly act like a bigger badass than men who actually served their nation.
Trump avoids war by citing bonespurs and he has the audacity to bash all of his political rivals who were veterans as less tough than him.
This type of chickenhawk behavior is pathetic.
I am not a fan of John McCain but he still served his country. You can bash his political positions all you want but Trump mocked him as a loser who was captured. It was a pretty disgusting thing to do that certainly lost Trump at least some veterans' votes.