Ben Shapiro is a neo-con shill. What do you expect from him?
My primary issue with Trump 2024 is his vehement refusal to accept that he made critical errors during COVID.
I don't care what the kosher conservatives do here, I just want to actually hold Trump accountable for his actions during COVID so he learns to never repeat them in the chance he becomes the nominee and miraculously somehow wins a general election again and governs during another pandemic.
Not everyone who wants Trump to change his stance on the vax is a neo-con bad actor.
Ben Shapiro is a neo-con shill. What do you expect from him?
My primary issue with Trump 2024 is his vehement refusal to accept that he made critical errors during COVID.
I don't care what the kosher conservatives do here, I just want to actually hold Trump accountable for his actions during COVID so he learns to never repeat them in the chance he becomes the nominee and miraculously somehow wins a general election again and governs during another pandemic.
Not everyone who wants Trump to change his stance on the vax is a neo-con bad actor.
I don't believe you.