Look, I’m not really one to care either way about the fucking thing. It’s a tool. That’s all I’ll say.
But normies (or at least a certain subset), now, are fucking obsessed with the thing. Like, it’s absolutely cult-like, with the usual slavish devotion, the complete unwillingness to accept any criticism, and, perhaps most importantly, a massive overestimation of just what the thing is capable of, and what it can do…
Stupid fuckers genuinely believe that they can have some version of “fully automated luxury gay space communism”, just because of the last couple of years of AI hype, and the fact that it can write better essays than their utterly pathetic selves can even come up with…
Like, fuck, I’ve even had teachers going on and on about how this brilliant device will “save us all, and allow us to be our full transcendent selves”…
The ignorance is astounding. The utter hype-following and clout-chasing is even worse…
Like, yes, the “creatives” worrying for their jobs can be annoying, but they’re nothing on the hype-cultists who have jumped on this bandwagon to the point of basing their entire futures on what they think this fucking system is going to do “for them”…
It’s like the first smartphones all over again, but somehow so much worse…
Part of it is Midwit-hype driven by journalists and some people whom give the illusion of being very, very smart, yet still think 'AI' is basically 'fucking magic'.
Doesn't mean I won't smile in twisted delight at watching various twitter artists screeching about AI artwork, though.
The “fucking magic” thing is key…
Like, what people think the thing is doing, vs what it actually does (even techie types) is… Wow.
It’s really quite bizarre to watch.
I note that it’s mostly “degree educated” types pushing this thing, and thinking it is the be all and end al, too…
Dunning-Kruger at it’s very best. Like, they’re “educated” and supposedly “tech literate”, but they have no fucking idea…
Whereas you ask people who do real shit for a job, i.e. tradesmen, carers, primary industries, whatever, and they’ll likely just respond that they do not fucking care, because it fundamentally doesn’t change shit, for them, and they’re far more concerned with shit like the cost of living…
And thus, the fucking “class divide” becomes clearer than ever…
You bet . . . English, critical studies, psychology, philosophy . . . the university humanities in general train high-dollar idiots hypnotized by language.