Mine is got to be Treat people like human being. Like what is that supposed to be? If it's about respect then I don't know who you are or what you do, why should I be respectful to you.
I treated people the way they deserved to be treated. If you are a senior or a veteran then I will treat you with respect, if you are a moron then I will treat you like a moron and frankly I treat everybody like a moron until proven otherwise.
Imagine being so worthless in life that simply being exist alone is some virtue, but that can be said about most leftist.
This is precisely their attitude.
The reason you shouldn't get universal healthcare just because you're a "racist" human; is because you are not within their moral universe.
You are an enemy; and as such the friend-enemy distinction applies; and otherwise immoral things are not moral when done to you.
As Leftism is a Philosophy of War, it's ability to re-cast populations as enemies as soon as the tactical situation demands it; makes you a target for unlimited violence and horror which is a categorical moral imperative.