This is one of the reasons why we need to pass legislation to allow counties to refuse to announce their totals. We know that it's the couple democratic counties that have urban cores which need to construct a mass total of votes. They keep counting... while everyone else stopped.
If you don't announce the vote totals until all counties have finished counting, they don't know how many votes they need to count to. If they guess too high, the fraud becomes obvious and prosecutable. If they guess to low, they lose the election. It incentivizes them to claim they got 150% turnout.
This is one of the reasons why we need to pass legislation to allow counties to refuse to announce their totals. We know that it's the couple democratic counties that have urban cores which need to construct a mass total of votes. They keep counting... while everyone else stopped.
If you don't announce the vote totals until all counties have finished counting, they don't know how many votes they need to count to. If they guess too high, the fraud becomes obvious and prosecutable. If they guess to low, they lose the election. It incentivizes them to claim they got 150% turnout.