57 Google's banner reeking of white savior complex, lol (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 1 year ago by ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 year ago by ApparentlyImAHeretic +58 / -1 43 comments download share 43 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
This has to be in the dictionary as the example of white savior complex.
It just keeps getting worse the more I look at it.
No buildings on the left where the indians are.
They spelled google wrong.
The trans flag holding person looks like Pat from SNL.
The colored people are segregated away from the white person.
The white person is drawn larger than the others, signifying more of an importance.
The flag holding hipster is using an older camera, rather than a cell phone.
The white person holding the flag is the only person holding a trans flag, signaling that only they care about that issue.
It's every stereotype you can think of.
Talk about not knowing your own biases. Holy hell.