Just imagine. The entire modern economy, pretty much anywhere, but certainly in any “Western” nation, is now based on the idea that everyone male and female, works full time…
Universities have become wholly female-dominated. So have many, many professional fields. Most workplaces cater to the wants of middle-class women. So does most government messaging. So does the entire “field” of HR and recruiting…
At the same time, birth rates are crashing to totally unsustainable levels. Children aren’t raised properly at all, and are shipped off to “childcare” or to older relatives, as early as possible. Parents no longer no, or care, how to raise kids.
Cook for your family? Congrats, you’re an outlier. Most people seem to view cooking as some sort of “luxury”, and instead base most meals on either frozen shit, or takeaway and deliver, depending on their background…
Marriage is broken, and hell, most millennials don’t even bother with it. Divorces are higher than ever, and many couples barely even see, or talk to, each other, let alone their kids, anymore. So many kids are from broken homes, now, whatever their background or race…
Yet jobs are still flying offshore (never mind automation. It’s not there yet), and immigrants are still piling in to every Western country, partly to keep the birth rates up, and partly to keep house prices and rents ever increasing… Oh, and to push wages down, of course.
This, despite more “locals” working than ever before. This, despite women demanding ever more catering to from corporate, and all of the “equity” bullshit…
There’s no way any of this is sustainable, and yet it is everywhere… In every single “developed” country.
Some people here like to talk about Russia, but christ, look at their birth rates. Look at China, too. It’s not just “American allies and adjacents” that this is affecting. It’s almost everywhere, with a few very notable exceptions…
Amazing to think that “women's rights” and runaway corporatism, plus unlimited contraceptives (arguably) may be what dooms us, let alone all the trans kids raised on hormones shit…
I would say that maybe some parts of humanity can still correct this ship, but I’m not so sure anymore…
I doubt even in 1980 people would have thought that fucking Nigeria and India would inherit the Earth, but here we are…
I can't say that I can relate to what you're going through, my friend, because I haven't really experienced your kind of struggles in my life. If I remember right, you've said that you're Australian in past posts, so the chances of ever physically attending would be slim, buuuuut...
Have you considered a good Bible-believing, and preaching church? I can tell you right now with 100% certainty that God is the only reason I have hope for this world. And not "Hope" in the sense of "Gee, I hope that I don't catch that really slow red light on my way in to work.", but it's more of an assurance. I believe that this is going to happen, and that is a kind of peace that you can't put into words.
If you'd like, I would be more than willing to give you the website of the church I attend. We live stream and record every sermon, and the staff is happy to help you with any questions, or even just talk with you and pray for you if that's what you need.
Sure, sounds good dude.
I don’t know if PMs exist on here, but would be interested to hear more.
I’ve been to church a few times, but not regularly (well, not in a long time). But yeah, would be interested. Cheers!