"Reproductive rights" are a fight over your party's favorite moneylaundering scheme, hardly a fight over your opinion or "rights", but rather a tug of war between the rich kids over who gets what piece of the pie (your "opinion" only occurs within the aperture of what THEY want - also, nice pullstring), you only happen to be in the middle. Genocide requires no opinion to be voiced, in fact, if a culture is permissive enough you can erode that culture by replacing its pertainent icons, landmarks, and history, grooming its genocide over time, and again, aperture - suddenly they want your balls gone and that becomes a "yes or no", where if they succeed, you submit. It's a manufactured 50/50 + a progressive push/pull through their various means of persuasion and subversion. No balls for you, you don't get a say or an "opinion" because that's already been decided for you with your basic bitch manufactured opinion. Racism is literally just a healthy sense of pattern recognition and boundaries, and is hardly an opinion or a choice if you listen to the Robin Di'Angelo's of the world.
If a comment is made in bad faith it makes sense to prune, but who is acting in bad faith here? Enjoy cleaning up peepeepoopoo, janny. No sympathy.
"Reproductive rights" are a fight over your party's favorite moneylaundering scheme, hardly a fight over your opinion or "rights", but rather a tug of war between the rich kids over who gets what piece of the pie (your "opinion" only occurs within the aperture of what THEY want - also, nice pullstring), you only happen to be in the middle. Genocide requires no opinion to be voiced, in fact, if a culture is permissive enough you can erode that culture by replacing its pertainent icons, landmarks, and history, grooming its genocide over time, and again, aperture - suddenly they want your balls gone and that becomes a "yes or no", where if they succeed, you submit. It's a manufactured 50/50 + a progressive push/pull through their various means of persuasion and subversion. No balls for you, you don't get a say or an "opinion" because that's already been decided for you with your basic bitch manufactured opinion. Racism is literally just a healthy sense of pattern recognition and boundaries, and is hardly an opinion or a choice if you listen to the Robin Di'Angelo's of the world.
If a comment is made in bad faith it makes sense to prune, but who is acting in bad faith here? Enjoy cleaning up peepeepoopoo, janny. No sympathy.