Surprising no one at all, Ru Paul was sending porn to a 13 year old fan of his.
Written in 2008, 10,000 Dresses was chosen for the American Library Association‘s Rainbow Book List of 2009. Ewert’s book was specifically recognized along with 3 other titles out of 45 as “…well-written and/or well-illustrated titles with authentic and significant gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered/queer/questioning (GLBTQ) content for youth from birth through age 18.”
Conservatives fucked up when they let nationalists in to the RW.
We never had a presidential candidate waving a faggot flag, or a tranny mascot (lady MAGA), nor did we celebrate the passing of gay marriage or try to decriminalize homosexuality in other countries.
FFS how bad is your ideology when 2015 under Obama was a much better time to be alive than 2020 under Trump.
Surprising no one at all, Ru Paul was sending porn to a 13 year old fan of his.
Conservatives were late to the draw, as usual.
Conservatives fucked up when they let nationalists in to the RW.
We never had a presidential candidate waving a faggot flag, or a tranny mascot (lady MAGA), nor did we celebrate the passing of gay marriage or try to decriminalize homosexuality in other countries.
FFS how bad is your ideology when 2015 under Obama was a much better time to be alive than 2020 under Trump.
Nationalists? It's pro-globohomo people that shit up conservativism.
None of this faggotry in the RW existed before nationalism.
What you're seeing now is the consequences of letting nationalists in to the RW.
Trump is the most pro-homo president in the history of the republican party and was the trojan horse for all this shit to become mainstream.
You can thank nationalism for that, which is nothing more than liberalism wrapped in a flag.
"RW"? What's this supposed to mean? "Real World"? I suspect you don't know what most people mean by "nationalism."